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Here is a history list of what's changed recently in Tru-Traffic (formerly TS/PP-Draft) 9.0: (2015.4.25)

Fix an error that can occur in analyzing a trip log through an artery with a one-way subsection.

Avert a problem that could occur if you delete a trip log while it's still logging — that is, if you don't stop the logging before deleting the trip log. (2015.1.14)

Fix an error that could occur in TT&D report's values for time spent above or below user-specified speeds. An interpolation error added, on average, 0.5 seconds for each downstream node along the artery.

Fix an error in flipping the orientation of a diagram for a one-way artery. After flipping the diagram, the one-way designation applied to the opposite direction. (2014.10.18)

Fix an error that caused the directional summary and the cumulative summary of the TT&D report to report somewhat different ranges of start times.

In the comparative TT&D report, change the policy for computing the % difference: For the baseline, use the absolute value of the before values, instead of the actual before values, to avoid confusion where the before values are negative (e.g., a negative average Delay). (2014.6.5)

Fix an error that could occur upon closing the software while recording a trip log.

Fix an error that could occur in analyzing a trip log (e.g., for the TT&D report) that has points recorded intermittently.

Fix a couple of errors that could occur when modifying the cross-street split, resulting in excessive arterial split.

Fix a couple of quirks with the Arterial Outline View where some of the buttons would remain disabled when they should have enabled. (2014.4.30)

Fix an error that could occur in the green band along an artery with mixed cycle lengths.

Fix a problem in optimizing a limited group of intersections: In some cases intersections outside of the group could also be affected.

Fix an error that could occur when modifying the cross-street split, resulting in excessive arterial split. (2014.3.21)

Fix an error that could creep into the splits when exporting to UTDF (the newer, "combined" file) when there's more than one timing plan.

Fix an error that could occur in exporting T intersections to UTDF (in either format): the software could create the 4th leg for no good reason.

Fix an KML format error that could occur in copying to the clipboard the geographic positions assigned to a specific intersection. (2014.2.25)

Fix an error where everything-linked intersections controlling just one direction of travel could capriciously switch their specified, controlled direction.

Fix a divide-by-zero error that could occur in displaying the cycle length constraints.

Fix an error, introduced in ver., that could cause the directional summary pages of the TT & D report to show the wrong values in some of the columns. (2014.1.17)

Fix an error that could greatly slow the drawing of a time-space diagram.

Fix a quirk that could improperly reject some changes to a phase's clearance times. (2013.12.5)

Fix an error that could occur in drawing the Platoon Progression Diagram, making it apparently freeze.

Fix a quirk that could, at a one-way intersection, show an exclusive pedestrian phase at the wrong position in the timings bar on the Timings window. (2013.11.9)

Fix a bug that could allow "everything"-linked intersections to disagree on whether the offset references arterial phases or cross-street phases.

Fix a quirk that could effectively hide sections of the trip log trajectory on the arterial timings diagram. (2013.10.29)

Fix a bug where, when you link "everything" between two intersections and only one of them has geographic coordinates, then the geographic coordinates could get discarded.

Fix a error in analyzing a multi-run trip log along an artery. In some (rare) cases, after a U-turn between two runs, the analysis could decide incorrectly that the vehicle skipped the first intersection in reentering the artery.

Fix a divide by zero error that could occur in loading a file with a quirky network layout. (2013.7.25)

Fix an error where, in merging UTDF 2.1 files, the layout of the Network View could get mangled.

Fix a quirk in merging UTDF 2.1 files into a file with multiple timing plans. In some cases, the imported volumes could get assigned to all timing plans. (2013.4.23)

Fix an indexing error that could in highlighting or (en)disabling trip log points in the Details Table. If you sort the table on a column so the list is not chronological, then the item that you (un)check or select is not necessarily the point that gets altered. (2013.4.10)

Fix an error that could cause a divide by zero when you make a change to a diagram in the foreground while another diagram sits hidden, and not yet viewed, in the background.

When using the cursor keys to change the selection in the Outline View, highlight the node's associated links the same way as selecting by mouse click. (2013.2.24)

On the trip log plots, don't show hints for tip log points outside the graph box.

Fix another error that could occur when using Flip Diagram Orientation. It seems that the directional band weighting factors wasn't getting flipped. (2013.2.15)

Fix an access violation that could occur when importing a UTDF file that's corrupted in certain ways.

Fix a couple of errors that could creep in when using Flip Diagram Orientation. It seems that a few directional parameters, including the link curvature control points, could end up applying to the wrong direction of travel.

Fix a couple of annoyances when pasting geographic positions into Tru-Traffic. If you've checked the box to "Set Names of Unnamed Intersections from Waypoints," then in some cases the Outline View or the Intersection Parameters dialog wouldn't show the new names until you refreshed. (2012.11.16)

Fix an error that could occur in calculating the travel distance of a run from a multi-run Trip Log that has coarse resolution (i.e., has more than about 4 seconds between points).

Fix an error that could occur in displaying trip log times when the local time zone has no daylight savings time schedule. (2012.8.20)

Fix an error that could occur in deleting an intersection.

Fix a quirk where the user-specified value for the balloon hint pause could get ignored, and the balloon hints could get displayed too abruptly. (2012.7.12)

Fix a floating point error that could occur in merging a *.Dgm file as separate timing plans. (2012.7.3)

Fix an error in evaluating user-defined formulas for the TT&D report when there are more than about 200 user-defined formulas. (2012.6.28)

Fix a quirk in displaying the trip log on the arterial timings diagram where spurious lines could appear on the diagram at odd times within the cycle.

Fix a bug in the platoon-progression diagram where the queue discharge flow could extend outside the cycles assigned to that direction of travel.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.6.21)

Fix a possible divide by zero error that could occur while editing intersection parameters.

Fix a bug in calculating the Cumulative Posted Speed Limit Running Time for the TT&D report.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.6.9)

Fix a quirk that could occur in displaying travel time runs on the arterial timings diagram. In some cases, some points from the trip log could display in the wrong link.

Fix an error that could occur in connecting to an NMEA GPS receiver when the locale settings are different from common US settings.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.3.21)

Fix an error that could occur in linking intersections declared to be one-way.

Fix an error that could occur in the offset after linking a newly created intersection with an existing one.

Work around a problem on some systems where the arterial diagram gets cropped when pasted into Word or Excel.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.2.23)

Show a warning message and handle more gracefully the case where cycle lengths are so remotely coordinated that the pattern does not repeat within 24 hours.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.2.20)

Fix an error that could occur in displaying the TT&D Report: On some systems, you could just get blank pages.

Fix a problem that could occur in entering the license information for all users.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.1.31)

Fix an error that could occur in displaying a permitted movement arrow for the phase split on the arterial timings diagram.

Fix an error that could occur in displaying curved links on the Network View.

Upon splitting a trip log, update the start time in the list of trip logs.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2012.1.12)

Fix a floating point error that could occur upon opening the Intersection Parameters dialog.

Fix a character encoding error in writing diagram text (*.DgT) files, result in an unreadable file for Tru-Traffic and, possibly, other software.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2011.12.23)

Fix an omission that could occur in optimizing the phase sequences: The Lag-Lag option could get disregarded.

Hide the trip log hint when another window opens.

Note: If you downloaded and installed, prior to 2011/12/23, the "Emissions using CMEM for Vehicle Category 4 rev2.URC" set of user-defined columns for the TT&D Report, then you'll want to download again and reinstall (removing the previous set of columns), as a recent revision fixes an error in the NOx emissions. (2011.12.1)

Fix an error that could occur in analyzing runs from a trip log along a one-way route with only two intersections.

Fix an error that could report the wrong value for cycle lengths running out of coordination.

Fix an error that could occur in the TT&D report: If you include a column showing the node-by-node direction of travel, then the cells would get shifted by one in the cumulative table for each trip log. (2011.11.19)

Fix an error that could occur upon attempting to open a Tru-Traffic trip log file (importing into the current diagram).

Fix an precision error that could occur (for example, after an automatic cycle length optimization) in exporting to UTDF where the sum of the splits in the UTDF can differ slightly from the cycle length.

Fix a couple of errors introduced with ver. where, upon exporting to UTDF 2006, the distances could get goofed up. Also, on a network with curved links, the link curvature would get goofed up. (2011.10.27)

Fix a bug in coloring the band started from an upstream sidestreet turning movement. The color could depend (inappropriately) on the choice of band action at the downstream intersection.

Fix a bug in trying to shift all offsets: negative values for the offset shift were ignored. (2011.10.24)

Fix an error in the default layout on the Network View for newly created arterial diagrams. All the intersections would condense at a single point.

Add option to specify the overriding low-speed color rule for trip log points (either exported to Google KML or displayed on the Network View). (2011.9.23)

Fix some quirks in the expand/collapse features of the Details tables of the TT&D report: Clicking to collapse a trip log with multiple runs collapsed the table of only the first run. (2011.9.14)

Fix an error in Filtering Points of a trip log that disabled perfectly good points.

Give the user an option which set of icons to use to start/stop recording trip logs. (2011.9.8)

Fix an error that disabled some of the shortcut keys in the main window (e.g., Ctrl-G to toggle GPS tracking). (2011.9.2)

Fix an error introduced in that could drop the start of trip log runs below the bottom of the arterial timings diagram. (2011.9.2)

Fix an error that could display an intersection's timings on the arterial timings diagram in the wrong cycle when using certain harmonically related cycle lengths or uncoordinated cycle lengths.

When using mixed cycle lengths in the network, help distinguish the start of least common multiple cycles from arbitrary coordination base cycles.

When using mixed cycle lengths in the network, try to plot trip log traces within the correct, least common multiple cycle, if possible, accounting also for labeling cycles by time of day.

Fix a problem where, if you reimport a UTDF 2006 file exported from Tru-Traffic, the distances are shifted to a neighboring link.

Fix an error that could occur in importing X,Y coordinates from UTDF 2006 "combined" files written by Synchro 8.

When importing a UTDF file, show a greater preference for assuming an uncoordinated cycle length if none of the harmonically related cycle lengths closely match the splits. (2011.8.23)

Fix an error that limited the display of the duration of a trip log to 24 hours. Longer durations would just wrap around like a clock, so a trip log with a duration of 24 hours + 1 minute would show a duration of just the 1 minute.

Show a progress dialog when importing Trip Logs from .GPX or .KML files.

Fix a quirk that could undo your preferred horizontal scale for the arterial timings diagram. In some cases, just clicking the OK or Apply button in the Intersection Parameters dialog could needlessly reset the horizontal scale to fit to the window.

When importing trip logs from a file, calculate separately the speed and heading if they aren't already in the file. Previously, the software would calculate both the speed and the heading only if neither one was found in the file, but some GPS data loggers are writing speed, but not heading, to their downloaded files, so we have to treat them separately now. (2011.8.13)

Fix an inconsistency in automatically setting the split on the opposite approach to match when you set the split on a 2-phase intersection.

Fix an error introduced in that could still put the trip log trace in the wrong point within the cycle when not recording or playing back as an animation. (2011.8.8)

Fix a quirk that limited the Walk time unnecessarily to 3/4 the network-wide cycle, independent of the local cycle length.

Mostly fix a quirk causing the phi character φ (the phase abbreviation) to display incorrectly in the intersection parameters dialog on Windows XP systems. This problem can persist in the offset reference point box, but in that case, you probably need to install some updates or service packs for Windows XP. (2011.7.21)

Fix an error upon importing a trip log from a *.CSV file that could cause the longitude and latitude to be incorrect.

Fix an error that could put the trip log trace in the wrong point within the cycle when not recording or playing back as an animation.

Fix a quirk that could cause an error tone and message box to flash briefly upon closing the program after tracking with the GPS receiver.

Fix an quirk in printing the speed vs. distance plots from trip logs that could make some of the traces for link-constant speeds indistinguishable. (2011.7.5)

Fix an error in the automatic phase sequence optimization that could allow "restricted" phase sequences alternatives (e.g., lead-lag should be a disallowed alternative to lead-lead).

Add to the User's Manual and the Help file a description of the offset optimization algorithm. (2011.6.22)

Fix a possible access violation that could occur in displaying a trip log hint.

Fix a quirk where, if you change the local one-way designation of a signal, the TT&D report might not reflect the change until after you close and reopen the file.

Fix an error that could cause the main window to hide when you start up Tru-Traffic.

When importing a UTDF 2006 file, offer to set the splits based on the actuated effective green times, instead of the maximum green times, if they're available.

Add option to show the posted speed limit (in addition to the design speed) on the speed vs. distance plots from trip logs.

Add a figure to the User's Manual and the Help file to illustrate the difference between a Trip Log and a Run. (2011.5.14)

Fix an error in the green bands when using 3/4-cycling.

Disconnect the GPS receiver if a power-down message is received.

Check more carefully if a file was saved successfully before deleting the backup file.

Warn if changing the phase number for a movement might unintentionally change another movement's as well.

When the mouse cursor is over the arterial timings diagram, show the associated time of day in the status bar, if available. (2011.4.22)

Fix an error that could occur in finding the offset reference point when a phantom protected turn phase is specified at a 1-way intersection along an otherwise 2-way artery.

Fix an access violation that could occur in displaying a Platoon-Progression diagram with signals whose local cycle length is not closely harmonically related to the network-wide Cycle Length.

Make all the trip log run details tables in the TT&D report hideable, with associated expand/collapse links. Include an Expand All link in the details pages. (2011.4.11)

Fix an error that could occur upon optimizing the network-wide cycle length for maximum bandwidth.

Add option to include Tru-Traffic-specific parameters (e.g., geographic coordinates, coordinated cycle length) when exporting to UTDF. These can reduce the data loss when reimporting UTDF back into Tru-Traffic. Synchro ignores these, but they may cause problems for other software. (2011.3.22)

Fix a bug that prevented you from exporting a trip log to an .AVI video clip.

In the formulas for user-defined columns, accept semicolons ';' as well as commas ',' for function argument delimiters to improve compatibility with Excel formulas. (2011.2.24)

Fix an error in the details tables of the TT&D report for user-defined columns that use a specific averaging style: "Calculation result at the averages for all trip logs". (2011.2.17)

Fix an error that could occur in analyzing trip logs along a P shaped route.

Fix an access violation that could occur in analyzing trip logs.

When importing trip logs from files (KML or GPX), accept times specified in the local time zone. (2011.2.10)

Fix an error in a trip log's display time within the signal cycle during playback of the trip log.

Add popup menu items to scroll the Network View to a neighboring intersection when zoomed in.

When importing trip logs from files (KML or shapefile), assume the user-preferred speed unit unless otherwise indicated.

For exporting trip logs, or stops, or average to Google KML, add option to specify the "scale" of the icons (as a fraction of the default icon size). (2011.2.6)

Upon importing a trip log from a Google KML file, tolerate times formatted improperly according to the KML specification.

Add option to label the t=0 lines with Time of Day. (2011.2.4)

Fix an error in showing the GPS marker during playback of a trip log.

Fix a bug in duplicating an arterial diagram and linking all intersections in the duplicate to the original. (2011.1.27)

Fix an bug that prevented the Trip Log Balloon Hint from appearing on the Network View.

Replace the Start/Stop Logging Trip button icons with something that, I hope, is more clear. (2011.1.20)

Fix an access violation that could occur upon right-clicking on the diagram. (2011.1.19)

Fix an access violation that could occur when optimizing the artery in subsections.

Fix a divide-by-zero error that could occur when using an uncoordinated-specified cycle length. (2011.1.12)

Fix an access violation when dragging the splits in the Intersection Parameters dialog. (2011.1.6)

Initial release.