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How to show color coded speed along the whole corridor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:29 pm
by JQ Alberta
Hi Greg,

I’m trying to show the color coded average trip speed, along the whole corridor, on Google Earth.

I slowed down the play speed to be the slowest. With that, I can see the color coded for about 2 km long only (my corridor is about 5 km long).

I can use the trip simulation along the whole corridor though, w/o problems.

Related to this topic (or not), when I read Page 161 (below), I couldn’t find (View-Preferences, etc,) in my version of Google Earth (Sept 1, 2010).

Thanks in advance for the help.

Jinsong Qi
City of Lethbridge

Re: How to show color coded speed along the whole corridor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:17 pm
by bullock
Good questions, Jinsong.

That the color coded speed playback shows only about 2 of the 5 km sounds like it could be any of a couple of things:
  • A Google Earth setting may be interfering somewhere -- as though scrolling or zooming is locked somehow. In Google Earth, try double clicking on the folder with the instantaneous average of your runs (the folder directly under My Places). That usually sets the zoom level in Google Earth to encompass the entire run. If you can confirm that it does zoom, but it zooms only to show the 2 km, then it's probably this next problem...
  • It could be that as far as Tru-Traffic is concerned, some or all of your runs don't make it all the way through the corridor, so Tru-Traffic is showing the average of only that length of corridor where it can confirm the runs pass through nodes along the corridor. You can follow the troubleshooting steps at ... tersection to determine whether this is the problem, diagnose the cause, and in most cases fix it.

If you post your *.Dgm file, I might be able to help diagnose the problem.

Regarding the instructions in the User's Manual on page 161, it seems the instructions are a bit misleading there. Step 4 should be modified to read

4. In Tru-Traffic, you may navigate to View: Preferences: Google KML, to specify the colors and their corresponding speed thresholds.


Re: How to show color coded speed along the whole corridor

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:56 pm
by JQ Alberta
Thank you Greg for the help. Now I know how to find/drag the "history" button, (hidden behind the play button), to show the whole trip.